Explore How TCM Helps Relieve Knee and Back Pain

tcm acupuncture treaments to treat knee and back pain

Knee and back pain can be troubling, especially when they prevent us from performing our daily routines. Thankfully, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) techniques can provide you with much-needed pain relief, especially if you are experiencing knee and back pain that is likely to interfere with your daily activities if untreated. Here is how TCM can help provide welcome pain relief.

Causes of Knee and Back Pain: TCM Perspective

TCM views the body as an interconnected system where changes due to internal or external factors, including seasonal or environmental ones, can affect its inner harmony. When this harmony is disrupted, it can cause an imbalance that can adversely impact our physical well-being and manifest as pain. Some of these factors include:

Qi and Blood Stasis

Internal blockages can impair the healthy flow of Qi and blood throughout the body. Qi is the vital energy that flows along the meridians in your body, promoting your well-being, while blood is needed to nourish your body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Any interruptions to these two elements will manifest as pain and discomfort as they cannot reliably reach where they need to go to nourish your organs and other structures.

Organ Deficiency

These internal blockages and imbalances can also affect organ functions, resulting in various adverse effects such as pain, nausea, and other unpleasant side effects. For example, lower back pain is associated with a kidney deficiency. The lower back region is considered the “mansion of the kidneys,” as the kidneys are located there and connect to the relevant meridians. As such, a kidney deficiency can result in dull aches that worsen after physical activities or even frequent urination.

External Influences

External factors can also seep into the body when it is weak, accumulating and causing various complications. Dampness, heat, and cold are three common symptoms caused by environmental factors, whether it be hot, humid days or chilly nights under the air conditioner. They can cause heaviness and stiffness in your back, among other issues.

TCM Treatments for Knee and Back Pain

TCM treats these complications by addressing the root cause. It employs a holistic approach that promotes natural healing by clearing blockages and imbalances. Here is how TCM can treat common knee and back pain conditions.

Treating Knee Arthritis

Arthritis is inflammation of the joints accompanied by joint pain and stiffness that worsens as we age. Arthritis exists in over 100 forms, including knee osteoarthritis (the most common form that affects your knee), which can gradually cause the cartilage to break down. Other symptoms include reduced range of motion in the affected knee.

Acupressure (Tuina)

This method uses acupuncture principles by targeting specific acupoints on the body using massage techniques to gradually clear up internal meridian blockages and promote healthy Qi and blood flow. Tuina applies gentle and firm pressure to reduce muscle tension and remove the scar tissue that causes this muscle tension. It is also helpful in promoting circulation by “forcing out” stagnant blood from the muscles at the expense of some minor inflammation.

Treating Slipped Discs

A slipped disc occurs when the gel-like inner core of an intervertebral disc leaks from the disc’s tough outer layer, compressing a nerve and causing pain. This condition can occur as we age, and our discs gradually weaken from wear and tear, becoming more prone to injury. To TCM, it is due to external factors such as wind-cold or dampness that “invade” the spinal area and settle there, causing tightened muscles, pain, and stiffness. These factors are also tied to organ deficiencies, especially the liver and kidneys, where their gradual weakness makes it easier for these external factors to accumulate and cause problems.

Five Elements Meridian Treatment (五行能量经络理疗)

Using the principles of the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water), this treatment seeks to balance your body’s Qi and improve the flow of blood and Qi through the meridians. This treatment specifically targets back pain related to Kidney Qi deficiency, which can undo symptoms such as weakness, soreness, and discomfort in the lower back that you may be experiencing.

Treating Lower Back Pain

If you experience pain, stiffness, or a limited range of motion in your lower back, it may be a sign of a kidney deficiency. The kidneys maintain strength in the bones and lower back. Given such a crucial role, any blockages or disruptions to the kidney Qi can reduce the vitality to support these areas, leading to chronic lower back pain, fatigue, and other symptoms.

Yu Quan Guan Cupping (宇泉罐调理)

For lower back pain characterised by muscle tension, pain, and stiffness, this technique removes stagnant blood in muscles and tissues by “pulling” it out of the body. Doing so helps relieve muscle tension quickly by eliminating the stagnant blood that makes your muscles swollen, thereby increasing muscle tension and tightness. Once the blood stasis is dispelled, the muscles can gradually recover and stretch properly.

Kidney Wellness Therapy (培元护肾)

This specialised warming treatment stimulates acupoints along the lower back using traditional TCM meridian massage techniques. It can help warm the kidney area, invigorate vitality, and strengthen kidney Qi, greatly benefiting anyone experiencing lower back pain due to kidney Qi deficiency. Stimulating these specific acupoints via meridian massage ensures the kidney enjoys healthier blood and kidney Qi flow and can even regulate the endocrine system, which improves energy levels, reduces fatigue, and supports your overall well-being.

Treating Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when pressure on your sciatic nerve causes pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness. TCM views sciatica as a result of poor lifestyle habits and blood and Qi deficiency: for example, liver and kidney functions are impaired due to poor sleep quality and fatigue, which can cause muscular tension that worsens pain and discomfort. External factors like wind-cold-dampness can also manifest due to unhealthy dietary choices or environmental conditions that can gradually accumulate and cause various complications.


Acupuncture can be ideal for treating sciatica by targeting specific acupoints to help clear up blockages and deficiencies. The procedure addresses these issues through sterile needles placed at key acupoints to expel wind-cold-dampness while promoting healthy blood and Qi flow. As a result, it helps to relieve pain and inflammation and restore your spine’s range of motion. One acupoint includes UB-57, located near the leg’s midline, which alleviates pain and regulates Qi levels.

Seek Qualified TCM Treatments with Liang Yi TCM

At Liang Yi TCM, we provide TCM treatments that encompass several methods designed to help you maintain your well-being. We aim to give you a modern take on an age-old tradition and achieve your desired health outcomes. Contact us today to find out more!

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